No - this is not a website about aliens from another planet, however -
I felt impressed to add this page specifically for those who feel a bit overwhelmed by the whole Preparedness thing.
I put a picture depicting Noah's Ark because it exemplifies how we must continue to prepare whether others feel it is a good idea or not. I'm sure Noah must have felt alone at times as well.
It is easy to become discouraged when we do not know just how big this elephant is and how to go about working our way through it. (I will NOT use the "bite at a time" phrase)
We worry about costs, storage locations and the whole "what if" scenario including what sort of disasters do we prepare for.
One thing we must all keep in mind is we need to create our preparedness community. Friends, relatives, neighbors can all be a part of that community. There is strength in numbers!
We do not have to act alone. Having others will definitely help overcome negative feelings, depression and other emotional distresses.
Ultimately - we are NEVER alone. Jesus Christ is our Savior and He will not leave us alone. He will always be there.
As you begin or continue your preparedness efforts, follow the counsel of church leaders and others who have skills and ideas where you may be lacking. Learn all you can to develop skills and abilities that will help get thorough any situation. Often, when we look backwards in time, we see how our own ancestors were able to cope with and deal with difficult situations. Learn from them and share your knowledge with others.
I recently was reminded of a great way to get the wheels of preparedness progress in motion. It was an idea to break down the effort into smaller manageable chunks of time that make sense for you.
1 day, 1 week, 1 month may be the first 3 goals you set. 3 days (72 hrs.) is likely a better place to start then expand that out to 3 weeks and maybe then even 3 months.
Regardless of how you choose to do it, just do it! Get something started and keep track of where you are - you will be surprised how if you do a little, the Lord will bless your efforts.